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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet


Explore our world and yourself in our exhibitions.

foto av tre ungdomar som testar en modell av en människokropp. The Human Animal

Humans and animals – how are we similar and what makes us different? Explore your body and your senses. Why can you see ...

"Photo of a boy pretending to throw a spear in front of an exhibition display where a prehistoric person is throwing a spear. The Human Journey

A journey through space and time, following the course of human evolution over the past 7 million years.

Two girls are standing in front of a digital screen. A Souvenir for Life

A small exhibition with a big message. About the illegal trade with species under threat.

foto av ett barn som känner med handen på ett stenblock i utställningsmiljö. Fossils and Evolution

Discover how animals and plants have come and gone throughout Earth's ancient history. Here, you and your young explorer...

En pojke tittar i förstoringsglas på en trädstam med en annan pojke i skratttandes i bakgrunden. Diversity of Life

Wander through several rooms on a journey of discovery, from 18th-century natural history collections to the systematics...

Swedish Nature

In this exhibition you'll learn about various aspects of Swedish nature to show why natural environments look and functi...

Grow the City

Come and experience the nature of the city at the Swedish Museum of Natural History's inner courtyard!

Polar Regions

Ready to take on the challenge? Get packed and go on an expedition to the poles!

Treasures from the Earth's Interior

January 20th to 29th the exhibition is temporarily closed due to maintenance work. See meteorites from far, far away, ...

Foto av två barn där den ena står inuti en kammare med ett rökmoln. Mission: Climate Earth

Learn more about what you can do to contribute to a better climate.

World of Water

Explore our blue planet. Did you know that there is more water inside the Earth than in the world's oceans? Who lives wh...

The Researching Museum

Gain insight into the museum's research through high-quality portraits of our researchers. See items from the museum's c...