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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Two girls are standing in front of a digital screen.

A Souvenir for Life

A small exhibition with a big message. About the illegal trade with species under threat.

Join us on a journey!

Join family Liljekvist on a trip to a tropical country and home again. The family consists of mother Clara, father Edin and children Amina and Johan. The trip goes well, the hotel is quiet, close to the sea and a lively town is only a short distance away. They shop for souvenirs in markets and shops, but what happens when they get to customs at the airport?

Test yourself in the customs station - do you know what you can buy and take into Sweden?

Illustration of a travelling family.

Trade threatens many species

Many animals and plants in the world are endangered. Just because of trade approximately 35 000 different species are endangered.

To keep track of all these species is difficult. Many times the products are sold in the open, alive, dead as souvenirs, or perhaps prepared in for example alternative medicines.

Trading in endangered species is illegal, but in some cases you are allowed to take goods to Sweden, if you have applied for and received permission.

What you can do

The exhibition presents in a simple, fun and educational way what you can consider in order to protect endangered species.

What would you have done in the reptile farm, or in the market? Did you even know what a big problem just trade in souvenirs are? By being aware of the problem you can make a difference.


In order to protect the animal and plant species endangered by trade more than 170 countries have agreed to limit trading through an agreement called CITES – the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Trading in CITES-listed species is only permitted if it does not affect the survival chances of these species.

More about CITES and information concerning the purchase of souvenirs can be found through the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s web External link..

Produced in collaboration

The exhibition is produced by The Swedish Museum of Natural History in collaboration with WWF The World Wildlife Fund, Swedish Customs,The Swedish Board of Agriculture and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.