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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

About this website är Naturhistoriska riksmuseets huvudsakliga kommunikationskanal. Här hittar du information om hur webbplatsen fungerar och hur tillgänglig den är.

Technical requirements

This version of the website was launched in November 2023 with a new look.

The website works best in a modern web browser, such as the latest versions of:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari.


We strive to make the website accessible and usable for as many people as possible.

Accessibility statement for the website.


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Learn more about the use of cookies on the website.

Handling of personal data

In the museum's privacy policy, you can read about how we handle your personal data.

Privacy Policy

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Feedback and questions

We are continuously working to improve our website. Do you have feedback or questions about the content on the website? You can contact us, the team responsible for the website, by emailing

SAML General description of SAML2 WebSSO

The service provides authentication of users which have an electronic idenitity at Swedish Museum of Natural History, to...

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