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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Mysteriet i parken Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for the app Mysteriet i Parken, downloadable from App Store and Google Play.

Mysteriet i parken (the app) saves information on what animals the user have met, to display the right content the next time the user open the app. This data is saved locally on the users devices. Appart from this no other data is saved.

The app uses the camera feed of the rear facing camera to display AR content. On compatible devices, the app allows the user to switch to the user faceing camera to take a selfie. On devices with TrueDepth API compatibility, the app uses the front facing camera to occlude AR content. No data is saved from either rear or front facing camera.

The user has an option to take a selfie, and then share this via an app of their choice through the platform standard share dialogue.

The app uses location services to place geolocated content. This data is not saved.

For questions or support, contact the developer.

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