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Nicolas Dussex


Populationsanalys- och övervakning

Conservation and sustainability through metagenomic data

I am an evolutionary biologist and conservation geneticist with a strong interest in the evolution of small populations, the genome-wide effects of population declines on population fitness and persistence. Over the past few years, my research has focused on the genomics of endangered (e.g. Sumatran rhinoceros, kakapo, Svalbard reindeer), harvested (e.g. moose) and extinct species (e.g. huia) as well as the genomic basis of adaptation (e.g. woolly rhinoceros) using temporal genomics approaches to study the evolution of populations in real time. I am also interested in using comparative and ‘macrogenetics’ approaches to assess climate and anthropogenic impacts on whole ecosystems.

At CGI, I will carry out genetic analyses for a number of conservation and monitoring projects using whole genome and metagenomic data (e.g., eDNA, microbiome). These projects will focus on a number of organisms ranging from vertebrates (e.g., bear, porpoise, seals) to invertebrates (e.g., pollinators) as well as on various plant species.

Formas project

I also lead a Formas-funded project Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. (2024-2027) focusing on the past demographic and genomic responses of Atlantic and Baltic herring to past environmental changes and predict its future response to warming seas using a combination of historical and modern DNA as well as forward simulations. Ultimately, this temporal transect analysis will provide essential information for future planning of sustainable herring fisheries in the North Atlantic ocean and Baltic Sea.


Nicolas Dussex


Populationsanalys- och övervakning

Nicolas DussexNicolas.Dussex@nrm.se

Projekt där Nicolas Dussex medverkar:

RiSe-Gen: Utveckling av genomiska verktyg för övervakning av vikarpopulationen i Östersjön

Foto: Markus Ahola Att förstå hur marina arter reagerar på uppvärmning av klimatet och mänskliga aktiviteter är avgörande för förvaltning av marina


Historiskt DNA visar sillens förmåga till klimatanpassning

Foto: Nicolas Dusex Detta projekt kommer att studera den demografiska och adaptiva responsen från atlantisk sill och östersjösill/strömming på