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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

NordSIMS-Vegacenter research proposal (new project only)

Form entries and project description must be written in English.

The open call for instrument time in 2025 is now closed.

Please note!
A partially completed form cannot be saved for later editing. We recommend that you have all required text and user statistics ready before starting the application process.

Attach a short project description in English (maximum 2 sides A4 including any figures and references)

Under Swedish Research Council rules, PhD. students cannot be project leaders.

Under Swedish Research Council rules, PhD. students cannot be project leaders.

Collaborators name(s) & institution(s)
If applicable.

Project duration


Required instrumentation
Please enter estimated days of access needed (For multi-year projects, requests for time should only cover the year referred to in the project call) and check options.

(e.g. U-Pb, trace elements, etc…)

(e.g. d18O, d3xS, etc..)
Option (check)
Option (check)


Option (check)
Option (check)


Options (check)
Options (check)

Support infrastructure
Please refer to the appendix to the annual proposal call for a list of available support infrastructure.

Prior consultation with NordSIMS-Vegacenter staff is recommended, particularly for large/long-term projects or those requiring analytical development and/or complex sample preparation.





Prior consultation with NordSIMS-Vegacenter staff is recommended, particularly for large/long-term projects or those requiring analytical development and/or complex sample preparation.

If the topic of the proposal is outside the steering committee’s expertise (which encompasses Earth, environmental and planetary science), please suggest names and contact details for two topical reviewers (gender balance appreciated).
Mandatory user statistics
These data are required by VR, but are not used to assess your proposal.
1. Principal investigator.
Answer only “1” in the appropriate box. If there are no users for a category, enter zero.

Institution type

Institution location

2. All non-student users.
For each category, enter the total number including PI and all collaborators except students. If there are no users for a category, enter zero.

Institution type

Institution location

3. Student users
For each category, enter the total number. If there are no users for a category, enter zero

Consent * (mandatory)

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