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The Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) is the key e-infrastructure for biodiversity data and analysis tools in Sweden.

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About SBDI

SBDI ( External link.) is an e-infrastructure and portal for biodiversity data, with information about populations of plants, animals, fungi and other life forms, as well as molecular and e-DNA biodiversity data. SBDI also provides analysis tools and updated taxonomies, as well as offering user support.

SBDI's mission

The purpose of the infrastructure is to make biodiversity data accessible, by linking together information from lots of different databases into a joint, easily accessible and user-friendly environment. Many millions of observations and registrations relating to biological diversity are made accessible here; everything from museum collections to data from research projects, citizen science and inventories. All are incorporated in standardized formats into a central database and made freely accessible to both researchers and the general public. Using the analysis tools, users can link together data on biological diversity with variables such as satellite and climate data, and also analyze the data collections in time and space.

The database and analysis tools are based on open source code, developed in collaboration with the Living Atlases External link. community, which leads to free development of tools that can be shared with users across the whole world. Together, this type of infrastructure enables analyses, models and predictions, and thus increased and broadened knowledge about biodiversity, both in Sweden and internationally. SBDI also forms the Swedish node for the international infrastructure Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) - GBIF Sweden External link..

SBDI's Vision

The overall vision of SBDI is to provide a cost-effective, cutting-edge infrastructure that supports Swedish and international biodiversity and ecosystems research. We want to provide Swedish researchers with unified and open access to biodiversity data, and to a wide range of tools for querying, visualizing and analyzing this data.

SBDI supports open data and open science External link., that is, transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks. Specifically, we adhere to the FAIR principles External link. (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).


Tools and services are developed in a cost-effective, global open-source community, where SBDI leads the way in several areas, such as genomic biodiversity data. Research on biodiversity and ecosystems is rapidly evolving into big-data science, driven by the scientific opportunities presented by new, highly efficient methods for collecting biodiversity data and by the need to enhance our understanding of biotas so that we can address societal challenges such as the interconnected crises of biodiversity and climate. In addition to biodiversity data, SBDI also provides user support for data-driven research on biodiversity and ecosystems.


SBDI develops and provides powerful tools for modeling and analyzing biodiversity data. With the analysis tools, users can integrate data on biodiversity with variables from sources such as satellite and climate data, and analyze the datasets in both temporal and spatial dimensions: External link.

Diagram of SBDI services

SBDI: External link.

GBIF Sweden: GBIF Sweden External link.

The National Guidelines for Open Science External link.

The FAIR Data Principles External link.

SBDI is hosted by the Swedish Museum of Natural History

SBDI is funded by the Swedish Research Council and the ten universities and one other public agency included in the collaboration. SBDI is based at the Swedish Museum of Natural History.

Backed by a consortium of 11 universities and government agencies, SBDI has three focus areas:

(1) mobilizing Swedish biodiversity data according to FAIR data and Open Science principles;

(2) maintaining and developing a sophisticated platform for integrative analyses of Swedish ecosystems; and

(3) providing user support for data-driven biodiversity and ecosystems research.

Infrastructure Contacts

For general inquiries and support, please use the SBDI support form. External link.

SBDI Staff

Margret Steinthorsdottir | Director SBDI

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Veronika A. Johansson | Node Manager GBIF Sweden Project coordinator SBDI, BIO

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+4685195 4036

Manash Shah | IT Architect

Mats Bovin | Software developer

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Page manager: Margret Steinthorsdottir