Other supporting facilities
Clean chemistry lab
The clean chemistry laboratory is used for dissolution of whole rock and mineral samples and separation of the elements of interest by ion exchange chromatography. These include U and Pb, Sm and Nd, Sr, Fe and S. Other types of samples, such as water and sediment samples, may also be treated. In order to keep contamination at low levels and make it possible to prepare and analyse small U-Pb samples, the laboratory is built as a cleanroom with an overpressure of filtered air inside.
Crushing and mineral separation
Sample preparation facilities include equipment for crushing, milling and sieving of rock samples, as well as for mineral separation using Wilfley table, Frantz Isodynamic Separators and heavy liquids. There are also microscopes and binoculars for handpicking of minerals, and equipment for photo-documentation of individual mineral grains.
Svepelektronmikroskopi och Ramanspektroskopi
Scanning Electron Microscope with accessory equipment for energy dispersive X-ray analyses (EDS), cathodoluminiscens (CL) and back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging, provides excellent possibilities for microchemical studies and imaging of solid phases.