The open call for instrument time in 2025 is now closed.
For new projects
Fill out the web form (link below), and upload a project description.
This should accompany your application form and consist of a maximum of 2 pages of A4 (using a 12 pt. font and including figures), filesize 10Mb maximum. Preferably save this as a pdf file.
This form and project description need only be submitted once per project; if additional instrument time in a subsequent calendar year is required for a full proposal which has already been approved by the steering committee, a continuation application should be submitted (see below).
For continuation projects
Where the requested instrument days are a direct continuation of a previously approved proposal, only the continuation project form should be completed. Fill out the web form (link below).
Starting in 2022, we have introduced a simplified application procedure for projects that anticipate repeated access to the NordSIMS-Vegacenter infrastructure facilities over a number of years (e.g. projects with long-term funding, those involving PhD. students, post-docs., etc…). For such projects, the detailed application, including the mandatory 2 page project plan, should be submitted for the first year in which access is expected. On the initial application form, the section relating to multi-year projects should be completed. In subsequent years, provided that the project description remains relevant, only a simplified version of the application form will need to be submitted, including a short description of the use of the infrastructure in the previous year and anticipated access in the coming year.
Substantially new projects should be accompanied by a full application form and project description. The infrastructure steering committee reserves the right to request additional information before deciding on continued access.