Mineralogical laboratories
The mineralogical laboratories are used both for the curation of the mineral collections and for research projects at the Department of Geosciences.
Furnace lab
High-temperature furnaces (up to 1300 °C) used for experiments in air and at low oxygen fugacities, using H2/CO2 gas mixtures regulated by mass-flow controllers. The equipment is mostly used for thermal treatments and crystal synthesis by flux-growth methods.
X-ray Powder Diffractometer
Powder Diffractometer (PANalytical X'Pert system equipped with X’celerator silicon-strip detector). It is mainly used for mineral identification.
Mössbauer Spectrometer
Mössbauer Spectrometer (Wissel) for studies of Fe valence states and coordination in minerals. Normal samples should contain 2-5 mg Fe, with a total weight limit around 100 mg.
FTIR Spectrometer
The Fourier-transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR; Bruker Vertex 70) is used for measurements of transmission spectra in the MIR-NIR wavelength range (400 - 10 000 cm-1). The instrument is equipped with an IR microscope, ATR objective and polarizers, and is mostly used for measuring vibrational modes of molecular species (e.g. OH-, H2O, CO3) in minerals.
Contact information
Inquiries about the facilities can be sent to Andreas Karlsson.

Andreas Karlsson | Curator
Manager SEM and Raman spectroscope