Heejin Jeon works as a research engineer at the NordSIMS lab with 20 years of experience in large geometry ion probes (SHRIMPs and Cameca IMS-1280).
— I am responsible for the daily operation of NordSIMS IMS-1280 and its associated facilities including data processing/interpretation and discussion with the NordSIMS collaborators.
Her contributions to NordSIMS have been groundbreaking in the development of innovative analytical protocols that have played a crucial role in several international research projects. Through her leadership, progress has been made in the development of these protocols, resulting in the production of high-quality data.
Her research and professional experience are based on isotope analysis conducted with the large geometry SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometer).
— I engage in independent research as both a geologist and a SIMS specialist. My main research interest is how the crust has been formed and recycled and SIMS microanalysis is the key to answer the question.
Currently, she is focused on promoting methods for the analysis of Sr isotopes in apatite minerals and characterizing U particles.
— My collaborative projects extend beyond traditional geology and encompass multidisciplinary areas, ranging from classical terrestrial petrology to cosmo-geochemistry, from paleobiology to modern biology.
Additionally, she collaborates with organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Safety Authority (SSM) to study and develop the field of nuclear forensics.
Contact details

Heejin Jeon
Research Engineer