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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Anne Sørensen


Environmental Analysis and Research (MAF)

Anne Sørensen is a project manager within the national monitoring program for environmental contaminants in marine biota (fish, mussels, bird eggs), working on program planning and coordination, as well as statistical evaluation of analysis data.

Other professional roles:

  • National representative within OSPAR's Working Group on Monitoring and on Trends and Effects of Substances in the Marine Environment (MIME)
  • National representative within HELCOM's Expert Group on Hazardous Substances (EG-HAZ)
  • National expert within AMAP's mercury group

Research area:

Anne is interested in understanding how biogeochemical and ecological processes govern the spatial and temporal variation of environmental contaminants in water and food webs in aquatic environments.


An updated list of publications is available at DiVA External link. and Google Scholar External link..

Contact details

Anne Sørensen


Environmental Analysis and Research

Anne Sø

Anne Sørensen is involved in the following projects:

Tools for investigating spatio-temporal variability of contaminants in Baltic Sea biota

Time series for environmental toxins in common guillemot (Uria aalge) eggs are included in monitoring data. Photographer: Yosr Ammar Changes in the