The Bird Ringing Centre
Welcome to the Bird Ringing Centre in Sweden. At the Bird Ringing Centre all scientific ringing of wild birds in Sweden is administrated.
Since bird ringing begun in Sweden in 1911 more than sixteen million individual birds have been ringed and more than 200 000 of these have been recovered.
Have you found a ring?
If you have found a ring or a ringed bird with the inscription RIKSMUSEUM STOCKHOLM we would be very pleased if you report this to us. How to report a ring or a ringed bird is described under Ring recovery.
If you give us your contact details we will send you a note on the recovered bird with information on when and where the bird was ringed and anything else we know about this individual bird.
Bird ringing
Bird ringing, as a scientific method, is very important for our knowledge about reproduction, migration and survival rates in many bird species and every recovery report is valuable.
Mapping tool for Swedish recoveries
A web application showing the geographical distribution of recoveries of birds ringed in Sweden. The mapping tool External link.
EURING - International cooperation
International collaboration is important for studying bird migration successfully by means of ringing. Read more about EURING
Contact details:
Bird Ringing Centre
Swedish Museum of Natural History
Box 50 007
SE-104 05 Stockholm