Since bird ringing begun in Sweden in 1911 more than sixteen million individual birds have been ringed and more than 200...

Since birds do not care about national borders, international collaboration is important for studying bird migration suc...
Welcome to the Bird Ringing Centre in Sweden. At the Bird Ringing Centre all scientific ringing of wild birds in Sweden is administrated.
Upon opening the page and before any selections have been made, the 4,000 most recently processed recoveries are displayed.
Since bird ringing begun in Sweden in 1911 more than sixteen million individual birds have been ringed and more than 200...
Since birds do not care about national borders, international collaboration is important for studying bird migration suc...
I källaren på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet firas 60-årsjubileum. I 25-80 grader kalla frysutrymmen
Ringmärkningscentralen har hittills i år behandlat över 1000 fynd av svenska ringar. Även om alla
Nu påbörjas den andra inventeringen någonsin av den akut hotade Östersjötumlaren. Populationen har
Den 29 maj är det världsutterns dag. Den instiftades för att lyfta att många av världens utterarter