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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

About state-owned wildlife (“statens vilt”)

Certain birds and mammals become property of the state when they die. Anyone finding such an animal must report it to the police. The purpose is to protect endangered, rare, or particularly valuable species, and ensure that researchers have access to the animals so we can learn more about them and the environment they live in.

Birds and mammals belonging to the state

Birds and mammals that are designated as state-owned wildlife (“statens vilt”) belong to the state instead of the landowner when they die, according to the Swedish hunting legislation. Anyone finding a deceased animal that belongs to the state is obliged to inform the police.

The police are responsible for taking care of the animal and sending it to the Swedish Museum of Natural History (or the Swedish Veterinary Agency, SVA, see below). However, it is also possible to send the animal directly to the museum after contacting us.

The museum covers transportation and packaging costs. Packaging can be ordered here [in swedish].

Eagles, falcons, kites, harriers, certain owls, otters, and whales are examples of state-owned wildlife. You can visit our Animal Identification page [in swedish] to find illustrations of all species. We are happy to assist with species identification if you are unsure of what you have found.

More information about state-owned wildlife.

Certain animals should be sent to the Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA)

Large predators such as the wolf, lynx, bear, and wolverine should always be sent to SVA in Uppsala. This also applies to other species if the animal is connected to a criminal case or is suspected of carrying an infectious disease. SVA provides its own packing material. Contact information and instructions are available on SVA's website External link..

Harbor porpoise and other whales

Harbor porpoise and other whales are managed through a joint project between the Swedish Museum of Natural History and the Swedish Veterinary Agency.

Dead harbor porpoises should be reported on the marine mammal report page External link. [in swedish].

The museum and SVA are notified of your report and will assess whether the animal can be collected for autopsy or not. Each report is important and contributes to the statistics kept on dead marine mammals, which are also reported internationally.


State-owned wildlife

This is a shared email inbox that you can contact for questions related to state-owned wildlife.

Marine mammals

This is a shared email inbox for harbor porpoise and other marine mammals.

Anna Lotsander | Senior assistant

State game coordination officer

Peter Nilsson | Senior assistant

Adrian Lenninger| Senior assistant

State-owned wildlife

Page updated:

Page manager: Anna Lotsander