National Environmental Monitoring
The Swedish National Environmental Monitoring, which is commissioned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, is divided into a number of program areas, which in turn are divided into different subprograms. The Contaminants group works within two of these program areas: Kust och Hav External link. (Coast and Sea), and Sötvatten External link. (Freshwater).
Coast and Sea
The purpose of the Coast and Sea program area is to obtain data that can describe the state and changes in the Swedish marine environment. Data from the program area is used in international reporting and for following up the Swedish environmental quality objectives (Sveriges Miljömål External link.).
The subprogram "Contaminants in Marine Biota", that we in the Contaminants group are responsible for, is part of the Coast and Sea program area. More information about our monitoring within the subprogram is found here:
Monitoring of Contaminants in Marine Biota
The purpose of the Freshwater program area is to report on the state of, and detect changes in, Sweden's freshwater environment. Data from the program area is used to assess status of, and external large-scale impacts on, lakes, rivers and groundwater.
The subprogram "Sample preservation and analysis of contaminants in freshwater fish species” that we in the Contaminants group are responsible for is part of the Freshwater program area. More information about our monitoring within the subprogram is found here: