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Fossil invertebrates

Invertebrate fossils form the largest part of the collections at the Department of Palaeobiology with approximately 1 million specimens. The collections are dominated by fossils from Sweden, but we house specimens from all over the world.

Digital exhibition - Fossil invertebrates

Here you can read more about our fantastic fossils of invertebrates (animals without backbones) and get an overview of w...

The Ordovician tropical fauna of Dalarna

The museum has collections from Ordovician localities around Lake Siljan and the adjacent area known as Siljansringen, w...

Several fossil gastropod shells lying on black surface The Silurian coral reefs of Gotland

The whole of Gotland is made up of fossil-bearing layers from the Silurian time period, and fossils can be found basical...

The Paleozoic of Västergötland

There are around 15,000 fossils in our collections from Västergötland, spanning the Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian pe...

The Cretaceous of Skåne

The museum has a large collection of invertebrate fossils from the Cretaceous period from Skåne, almost 43,000 specimens...