Billing details
VAT number: SE202100112401
PEPPOL-id: 0007:2021001124
Billing address:
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Sending an e-invoice to the Swedish Museum of Natural History
Legislated e-invoice requirement
From 1 April 2019, you as a supplier to the Swedish Museum of Natural History must send us an einvoice. Note that PDF is not an approved format.
In June of 2018, the Swedish Parliament decided to adopt the Act regarding e-invoicing in public procurement (SFS 2018:1277). The Act means that all purchases made in accordance with procurement acts such as LOU, LUF, LUFS or LUK shall be billed using e-invoices. Purchases made by us, the Swedish Museum of Natural History, shall therefore be billed using e-invoices. Also remember to include our reference in the invoice.
If you already use e-invoices
The Swedish Museum of Natural History can receive invoices via the PEPPOL network. In that case, you need to connect via a company that supports your e-invoicing via PEPPOL. Check whether your accounting / invoicing system supplier or e-invoice service can use the PEPPOL network. If they cannot, there are other solutions available on the market to join the PEPPOL network ( External link.).
The Swedish Museum of Natural History PEPPOL-ID is 0007:2021001124.
The formats that the Swedish Museum of Natural History can receive via the PEPPOL network are Svefaktura 1.0 (SFTI's simple invoice), Svefaktura 5A 2.0 (invoice and credit note) and PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (invoice and credit note)..
If you currently do not use e-invoices
If you are unable to send electronic invoices through the PEPPOL network, Visma Proceedo offers easy invoicing through their Supplier Center, free of charge. If this is the alternative of your choice, please see contacts below in order to get an invitation to join the Supplier Center.
If you have any questions about electronic invoicing or if you want an invitation to Visma Proceedo Supplier Center, please contact:
More information about e-invoices
More information on e-invoices:
DIGG External link.–
External link.
External link.