How to get here:
Frescativägen 40

Regular hours:
Tuesday-Sunday 10-18


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Our Research

Our research focuses on the occurrence and spread of contaminants of concern, bird migration patterns and the human impact on ecosystems.

At the unit for environmental research and monitoring, we study changes and disruptions in our environment. The unit is divided into three focus areas: population and environmental contaminants monitoring, bird ringing and pollen analyzes. Within these areas, continuous monitoring is conducted, but also several different research projects.


The project supports the development of effective protection measures for the marine environment.


With the help of detectors, we listen for porpoises in key areas.


The role of the museum is to examine the impact of underwater noise on harbour porpoises.


Rerouting shipping lane in the Kattegat – effects on soundscape and ecosystem.


Highly fluorinated substances in otters

Many PFAS are extremely persisten emain in the environment for a long time.


New contaminants of concearn

High levels of persistant contaminants are found in marine mammals.